
Sputnik, Tampere

Yesterday we had a gig at Sputnik with Omnium Gatherum. We started our journey to Tampere early and had time to stop for a coffee on the way. Mika was very happy about that:

Jarkko bought a sandwich, which had some weird propaganda on it's label (something about eagle owls - wtf?!):

That made Jarkko angry and he raised The Fist™:

We arrived happily to Tampere and after some "sightseeing" found the Sputnik. After soundcheck we went to eat at Plevna.

The gig itself went fine but Man-Boss Viitazaari wasn't impressed and gave us his opinion. Kari tried to joke about it, but Viitazaari was adamant:

Jussi dealt with the criticism in his own way:

After Omnium Gatherum's gig we packed our gear and headed for home - where we arrived at about 5am. Thank you Tampere and see you again next month!



Some pics

Sorry for the lack of updates folks. We're going to start writing more blog entries - promised! While we get our act together, here are some pics from past months. Enjoy!

Lying down is an artform

Kari just wants to be close to you

And, like, I told him that, you know, it's down there and stuff

Mika is confused at the backstage - was there an error in our gig rider?

Mmm ...

General Mikko inspecting his troops